Monday, December 17, 2018

Good Fortune Clue 4

This was a very easy clue for me. Since I am using only one fabric per color this year, all I had to do was cut the units. No strings for me this mystery. After I did this....

it only took me a few minutes to get them all cut. I am really liking my color choices. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

The rest of the day was spent working on the binding for On Ringo Lake and decorating for Christmas. Ready for Clue 5!

Can't wait for my copy of String Frenzy to get here. I have some fabric all ready to use for strings!

Check out Quiltville to see progress others have made.


  1. What a beautiful bunch of fabrics you've chosen! I really like that green you're using in Clue #4.

  2. That was nice and simple for you this week.

    Your colours look beautiful all together.
