Monday, December 3, 2018

Good Fortune 2

Merry Christmas to me! My husband walked in Friday and gave me an envelope of money to redo my sewing room! I've been thinking and dreaming about it for a while. Watching Bonnie Hunter get Quiltville Inn all fixed up has inspired me to really get busy and get this done. Several weeks ago, I went to an Estate sale and found a picture for the wall. It is a print called "Pieced Quilt" by Don Finley.

This is what I imagine my great-grandmother might have looked like. She quilted, my grandmother did not. My grandmother crocheted and sewed garments. She could take someone's measurements and make a garment with no pattern. Good thing, she raised 5 girls during the depression.

This is the one quilt I have that my great-grandmother made. Love that it is a double wedding ring. My aunt is actually the one who gave it to me. It was given to her for her hope chest, but she never used it, so she gave it to me. How lucky is that?!

I managed to get all of my Clue 2 units of Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt done on Friday. If I keep up with them, I have a better chance of completing it before the end of next year, haha. 

Go to Bonnie's page to see blocks done by others.


  1. Your units are beautiful and the colors are gorgeous!

  2. I like your color palette! Wonderful quilt from your great-grandmother, too!
