Sunday, January 5, 2014

Celtic Solstice blocks are complete

It is early Sunday morning, but I actually finished all the Celtic Solstice quilt blocks about 10:30 Saturday night. Then I went to the kitchen to put away the applesauce that had been cooking in the crockpot. I decided to go ahead and get this picture up before I get in bed. I am so determined that this quilt is not going to be a UFO. I also want to show it off at my quilt groups on Wednesday and Thursday. Tomorrow, I plan to cut the border fabrics and sew the orange and blue triangle in a square units together. I will not have time to web the top until Monday. If I plan it just right, I may get it done by Wednesday, or finish putting the borders on at my quilt group on Wednesday. Can you find my two mistakes, I decided to leave them for right now. I may change my mind before I begin webbing the top though. I have had a really fun time making this quilt and I will probably do some more Bonnie Hunter quilts.

I have it laid out five across because I don't have room on my floor to lay it out seven across. I made the smaller size because I don't need a king size quilt.

Well, it is Monday and I am just now getting to webbing the top. I plan to finish that part today. Then I'll see if I get to any borders. Yesterday, I spent most of the day with my mom at the assisted living center where she lives, so I did not get any of the borders prepared.

Lots of other people have posted their progress on Bonnie Hunter's blog. There are some beautiful quilts.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year's Day

Hope everyone has had a Happy New Year's Day. The football games are on and I am taking a break from sewing for a while. I've been working on Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice today. I had all of the units finished, so last night when she posted the reveal, I made one of each block. Today, I have continued working on more blocks. Right now, I have seven blocks finished. Miss Hospital Corners here is going to have to relax some "matching the points" standards or I'll never get them finished.

I decided that I would make a list of all the quilts I have "worked" on since I retired from teaching in August 2011. Then I made a list of all those I have finished or in some way contributed to. I was pleasantly surprised to see the number of quilts I have either finished (8) or contributed to (7) in some way. Not too shabby, I guess. I'm sure other people have done more, some have done less, but I'm happy with these numbers.

The number I have "worked" on is a little different. I had two Joann's Block of the Month Quilts started when I retired. When I was teaching, I liked to have something I could just go home and start sewing on without have to cut out first. The block of the month quilts provided me that. Besides, they were on half price in the online clearance section in the middle of the night. (Lakeshore Learning used to have some great sales in the middle of the night too.) This was back in 2006. Anyway, since then, I have added sixteen more quilts that I am still working on. That does not count the nine above that are finished. I seem to be really good at starting things and not finishing them. Actually, I think I've done pretty good considering how many I've finished or contributed to. Anyway, I am taking Bonnie Hunter to heart for this year - my word for the year is FINISH! I am only starting ONE more project before finishing as many of the already started projects that I can this year. I am going to try to make some kind of schedule, goals or something so I can get these projects completed. They are mostly for fun just because I liked them. A few are Project Linus things. BUT, they are getting finished this year, so I can move on.

Oh, why am I starting one new project? Because, I am taking a Bonnie Hunter workshop in February! I can't just show up with any old project to finish!

Finishes September 2011 to December 2013

First Project Linus Quilt, Summer 2012

Granny's Bible School Quilt, Summer 2012

Clay's Quilt, November 2012, Thank you for your service

Avery's Baby Quilt, September 2013

Kevin's Baby Quilt, August 2013

Ramona's Baby Quilt, April 2013 (forgot to take a picture of the completed quilt)

I also finished a quilt for my husband and a pink baby quilt for my cousin's great-granddaughter. I need to take pictures of them.
Sometimes, I think my camera loses pictures, I could swear I have taken a picture of each of these quilts. Well, I'll come back and add them when I get them. Right now, I am headed back upstairs to work on Celtic Solstice. My goal is to get at least one row a day completed. I've already done one row today, but hey, it's not bedtime yet, so I'll keep sewing.